Dingewood Dimensional Lumber with Exterior Waterproofer
Category: Lumber
Prefabricated, weathered wood provided in nearly any wood species. Select textures are available for superior weathered look and feel. Request with exterior wood protection, a non-toxic, eco-friendly Zero VOC waterproofing sealer.
Typical Use:
Suitable for commercial and residential spaces. Suitable for exterior use when woods are sealed with Exterior Waterproofer, which lasts between 6-10 years depending on wood application. 
Apparent use of Nanotechnology: unspecified nanoparticles
Reason for Inclusion:

"This new class of waterproofers uses nano-particles to penetrate wood's surface and protect from within! It far and away outperforms traditional products on the market today. Nano-particle technology means the gorgeous Dingewood colors systems will be unaffected. Protects against warping, cupping, splitting, and wood twisting. Provides mold and mildew resistance." -Retrieved 3/12/2020 from https://www.dingewood.com/lumber1.html

Company: Dingewood
Trade: Carpenters
Safety Data Sheet (SDS):

unable to locate SDS online